Monday, December 19, 2011


Hey everyone,

Christmas is upon us and this is the time that those who don't usually give, give.  Many equate giving with material things but you can give a smile, a touch, a hug , a kind word, a listening ear, eye contact when conversing. Spending time with someone speaks volumes.
Let's not put ourselves in debt to buy something that might not be appreciated. Or to impress others when they don't really care.  Also give year around.
Flash that beautiful smile.  Say "Good morning, afternoon, evening or night." Don't look for a reply. Do your part.  Make a different.

I am going to Texas in the morning.  Looking forward to this mini vacation.  Coming back well rested and gearing to start the new year.  God has been so good to my family this year but there is more to come.

My sister in Texas is calling every day to keep me updated with the menu.  I will not leave my running shoes here. I am going to find a track somewhere in Texas.

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